What we are doing!

Lenakel Primary School, Celcie and Alice
On February 14, 2012 I am going down to Tanna Island and will be there for over 2 months! I am bringing a suitcase full of paints, sketch books, pencils, paintbrushes, and a camera, everything I need to teach children art and allow them the freedom to creatively express themselves. I will be going into villages and schools taking pictures of their art and teaching art classes. I will be working with the minister of education and Principal of Lenekal Primary School to find our first child to sponsor and set up an application process for future children.

Back home I will be bringing pictures and originals to sell to pay for the childrens schooling as well as help raise awareness. We will be using their art as well as collaborating with other artists here that would like to donate their art to the cause. We will be making the art into postcards and prints to sell. We will also be selling artist originals, you can see some of them on our 'Artwork' page. You can help by buying the art, donating your own art, donating art supplies for the children and sharing this with all your friends that might be interested!