Lenekal Primary school |
For the price of a pizza you could send a child to school for a semester. An excerpt from the ONG submission for the Universal Periodic Review of the Republic of Vanuatu states, “Parents not being able to afford fees” has been underscored in our survey as one of the most common reason why children do not attend primary school and are not able to progress on to secondary school. Students report paying on average 1000vt ($10) to 5000vt ($50) per term in primary school (grade K-6) and 20 000vt ($200) to 25 000vt ($250) in secondary school(grade 6-12). Secondary school fees usually include the cost of boarding. These fees would be typical for both state and private secondary schools." About 76% percent of children go to Primary school and only 20-30% of those children move on to Secondary school.
In most the rural areas the Ni-Van people make very little to no money making the price of $10-$50 dollars a huge amount to pay, and then making secondary school almost impossible. For the price we pay for a pizza we could send a child to primary school.
If you want to read more about the education in Vanuatu go to: http://lib.ohchr.org/HRBodies/UPR/Documents/Session5/VU/FI_VUT_UPR_S5_2009_FranciscansInternational_JOINT.pdf